A downloadable game for Windows

Takım: Finetasy


İsim - Discord kullanıcı adı

Mustafa Çetin - hexapawa

Fatih Boz - fatih7439

Niyazi Emre Akbaş - whykie


W,A,S,D - Camera Controls

Q - Change Mode (1- Build Node, 2- Build Connection between Node (soldier export and attack enemy node), 3- hold)

Mouse Left Click - Build

Mouse Right Click - Cancel when building

Gameplay Video : https://drive.google.com/file/d/11zz7aiwkLZCzZNcEwaqwu3FDwLNTLlzj/view?usp=shari...

Github Repository : niyaziemreakbas/NodeEmpireWithoutGrid (github.com)

Keyboard and Mouse Prompts Images: https://thoseawesomeguys.com/prompts/

Game Assets : https://pixelfrog-assets.itch.io/tiny-swords


NodeEmpireNewBuild.zip 27 MB

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